Moving through circle of time and space

Seeds maturing cylindrical stems and trunks

Planets orbiting around the sun

Seasons recycling spring, summer, fall, winter

Leaves merry go rounding to the breeze

Like stone rippling a still lake
Experiencing all facets, all around

Circling worthless and special, pain and pleasure

Circling life and death

Wheel spins, creating and destroying

Eternity cycling through infinity

Accumulating dichotomous, circumferential experience 

Enduring swings and rotations

Dizzying and searching for stillness 

Birthing sensitivity and maturity

Journeying back inward to the centre of the circle

Centres spinning and releasing like a vortex

Letting go of ego struggle over the circumference

Grounding the body in trust and spirit

Inspiring grace of a child whirling

Centring its body in being

Utter stillness in the centre of the cyclone

Being bliss in the centre