Homeopathic Consultation:

Prior to your appointment, you will be sent a homeopathic intake form to fill out, which is strictly confidential. All patient files are encrypted and password protected on secure computer systems.

The first homeopathic consultation is 90 minutes long and comprehensive. It involves learning about your symptoms in detail, and getting to know you as a whole person. During the consultation, you will be giving me insights into your deeper constitutional remedy. This process can lead to a deeper understanding of yourself and a new sense of self-appreciation.

After the session, your case is analyzed to determine your unique remedy, which will be confirmed in consultation with the supervisor. Following your appointment, a final decision on your prescription will be made within 2–3 days.

Follow-up consultations (45 minutes) are essential to assess one’s changing health status and how the remedy is working. Some aspects of the case are revisited to note the direction of healing. During this period, you may receive changes to the remedy, potency, or additional remedy support to fine-tune your healing in the proper direction.

During the time between appointments, you are encouraged to email and update me on any changes or developments in your symptom picture.

Chronic cases usually require more follow-up sessions because the overall symptomatology tends to heal gradually, like peeling each layer of an onion. Preferably, book your first follow-up appointment 3 to 5 weeks after your initial appointment. The gap between follow-up appointments usually widens as more and more improvements are integrated.

Wild Spring 23 2
Follow up

About Supervisor, Pat Deacon Homeopath


Pat Deacon has been passionately involved in homeopathic practice for more than 30 years. Her practice is based in Penticton, BC, Canada. For more information about her homeopathic practice, please visit her website: https://patdeacon.com, or to hear her podcast, scroll down to the bottom of the page at: https://patdeacon.com/about-homeopathy/

The supervisor will be present throughout the entire session and may ask further questions to clarify your symptoms.

Limited-time student fees:

(Canadian dollars)

First Homeopathic Consultation (90 minutes): Student clinic rate: $40

Follow-Up Session (45 minutes): Student clinic rate: $20  

Package Deal: $60 includes first consultation, and two follow-up consultations.

Your payment covers consultation time, analysis and research. Remedy cost are not included in the fees.

Remedy Cost: In-stock remedies cost $10.00 CAD each, plus postage.

Fees paid for appointments postponed or cancelled with less than 24 hours notice will be fully charged.

Expect to receive an invoice after the appointment. 



I carry and dispense a limited number of rare homeopathic remedies from UK and Scotland. It is not anywhere near a complete pharmacy. There are more than 7,700 remedies, and it is not practical to carry all the remedies in different potencies. 

The good news is that remedies can be ordered from North American and UK homeopathic pharmacies, as listed below:

http://www.thompsonshomeopathic.com. (Toronto, Canada)

https://www.iandeorganics.com. (Bellevue, WA, US)

https://www.hahnemannlabs.com. (California, SanRafael, US)

https://www.helios.co.uk/en (UK)

https://remedia-homeopathy.com/shop/ (Austria)

Expect to pay approximately $12 to $18 CAD per remedy plus shipping, when ordering from these pharmacies.

Consultation Platform


Consultation Platform:

All homeopathic consultations are offered online on the Zoom conferencing application. It is fairly easy to set up Zoom. Once you book an appointment, you will receive an email confirmation with a direct link to your Zoom appointment. If you have any questions about setting up Zoom, call or send an email.

Before booking your appointment, send an email to theajmed@gmail.com, and I will check with my supervisor with available days and times, and let you know.

If you would like to know more about homeopathy, or myself, send an email to theajmed@gmail.com to schedule a free 30-minute discovery call on Zoom, FaceTime, or telephone.